What to Expect

This is the diary I have decided to create, dedicated to the time I have spent with my jaws wired shut.
On the 23rd of February I went into the operating theatre for a jaw-reconstruction. They were to break my bottom and top jaws and re-position them.
This is a re-count of the events leading up to and in the hospital after the operation.


Now, on your right there is a drop down list.

Click on the little arrow next to 'February' and a drop down list will apear. In the drop down list pick 'Drabble' and you will be taken to the first page.

Once you are done, hit 'Day 0' and so on...

Once you have reached Day 7, click on the little arrow next to 'March' and a drop down list will apear revealing the links that will take you to the next lot of days!


Monday, March 31, 2008

Jaws Wired Shut

It's been 38 days...

38 Days since i've eaten. Well real food anyway!

I swear, no matter how hard it is scrubbed, my room will always have the faint smell of tomato soup in it. Not just one type either! No I mean Continental, Arnotts Big Red, Campbell's... all sorts.

I'll admit, in the 38 days I've had my teeth wired shut, I've eaten (or should that be drank) some pretty strange things.

These things consist of mince meat and tomato sauce, curry chicken, green beans and broccoli...

Now, none of this sounds all that weird... unless I add in the fact that they were all PUREE! Yep, they were all blended.

I didn't eat anything too shockingly disgusting... but whilst you drank it you had to forget WHAT exactly you were drinking, or it got a little too much...

Things didn't take long to go back to normal.

I was back at school 2 weeks after I got home, but I was back to school work 2 days after I got home...

I don't mean 'a little bit of maths here, a little bit of chem there'. I mean FULL ON, seven hours stright of planning and doing assignments, nearly EVERY DAY! I wasn't allowed out even on the WEEKENDS!

But it wasn't NEARLY as hard to get back into the swing of school as I thought. I was actually INFRONT for a few days when it came to assignments.

But it didn't take long to become bombarded again! Here's my scheduel for this week:
Monday: Maths test
Tuesday: Music exam, RE film essay, English questions sheet.
Wednesday: English exam, Maths Assignment, R.E. Ethics Essay
Thursday: Chemistry Exam, Get wires off teeth.

So school didn't take long to get busy.

Actually, I have an R.E assignment to finish now so... TOODALOO! AND PLEASE REVIEW! (Comment)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Day 10

Well we left the hospital this morning. My Nutritionalist, Physiotherapist, and Surgeon all came to give me their instructions for further eating/ physical activity/hygienic instructions.

Eventually (after a bit of a mix up) we ended up at the Sands hotel. Mum and I walked down the road to Cheap as Chips (the equivalent of Mad Harry's for those with no idea) and I swear we were there for like 2 hours! Mum just wouldn't leave! When we came to Adelaide we only brought one suitcase, but we left with two... and they were BOTH FULL!

But trust me, don't think this was a holiday! It wasn't! I took the suit case and the other stuff we brought back to the hotel and Mum went and got some Continental Cuppa Soup for my dinner. She got Maccas and I tried to eat a fry... It didn't take me long to realise it just wasn't going to work! But I couldn't even taste the salt on the outside of the fry!

Skins was on that night... Tony got hit by a bus. I was the last episode in the season!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Day 9

Day 8 we went for another walk to Rundle Mall, but this time we went to the movies... We walked all around this HUGE Adelaide street but every cinema we got to had been knocked down. We asked for directions like 7 times!

Finally we found one. My legs were so sore from all of the walking the day before and all the walking we did this day was AGONY!

We went and saw Run Fatboy Run. It was a really funny movie! I really enjoyed it.

What did annoy me though was that the Coke was too cold for me to drink. It would freeze my bottom teeth and it hurt to drink it. I had to always have tissues with me because I would dribble so much... It was REALLY bad...

I bought a few books to read though and that was good...

I tonight was my last night in the hospital. We would leave Monday morning and go to another lodge for one night and then go to the airport the next morning and fly home.

Everyone at the hospital was REALLY surprised with how much I had improved since the operation...

I still thought I looked absolutely horrible though.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Day 8

Day eight Mum and I walked to Rundle Mall.

It isn't very far but it took a lot out of me.

But It was good fun. Mum and I went and tried on clothes and saw all of the really kool things there were to see down there. It was really busy but it didn't matter. There were all these people busking. There were people doing gymnastics and then you get the people playing their instruments and there was even this woman who was doing chalk paintings on the pavement. They were WAY kool!

Mum and I went to Dymocks and all in all we had an ok time... There were such strange people in Adelaide. Emo for where I come from is NOT emo! Emo in Adelaide is emo! People who are a little individual in Adelaide go ALL OUT! It's really rather awesome.
I will admit; I did try not to gaze at people for too long. I didn't really want them looking at me either... only because of my swollen face though.

We watched that stupid Huey's Cooking Show when we got back to the hospital. It was hell! He was cooking this really gross looking meal with avacados and mushrooms and all of this random marinated stuff but it was just like: "I can't eat any of that! Look at how nice it would be to CHEW food!"

Then of course dinner came. Mum got this really nice, hot CHEWABLE stir-fry and I got tomato soup...
But atleast by this stage I was sleeping better!