What to Expect

This is the diary I have decided to create, dedicated to the time I have spent with my jaws wired shut.
On the 23rd of February I went into the operating theatre for a jaw-reconstruction. They were to break my bottom and top jaws and re-position them.
This is a re-count of the events leading up to and in the hospital after the operation.


Now, on your right there is a drop down list.

Click on the little arrow next to 'February' and a drop down list will apear. In the drop down list pick 'Drabble' and you will be taken to the first page.

Once you are done, hit 'Day 0' and so on...

Once you have reached Day 7, click on the little arrow next to 'March' and a drop down list will apear revealing the links that will take you to the next lot of days!


Monday, March 31, 2008

Jaws Wired Shut

It's been 38 days...

38 Days since i've eaten. Well real food anyway!

I swear, no matter how hard it is scrubbed, my room will always have the faint smell of tomato soup in it. Not just one type either! No I mean Continental, Arnotts Big Red, Campbell's... all sorts.

I'll admit, in the 38 days I've had my teeth wired shut, I've eaten (or should that be drank) some pretty strange things.

These things consist of mince meat and tomato sauce, curry chicken, green beans and broccoli...

Now, none of this sounds all that weird... unless I add in the fact that they were all PUREE! Yep, they were all blended.

I didn't eat anything too shockingly disgusting... but whilst you drank it you had to forget WHAT exactly you were drinking, or it got a little too much...

Things didn't take long to go back to normal.

I was back at school 2 weeks after I got home, but I was back to school work 2 days after I got home...

I don't mean 'a little bit of maths here, a little bit of chem there'. I mean FULL ON, seven hours stright of planning and doing assignments, nearly EVERY DAY! I wasn't allowed out even on the WEEKENDS!

But it wasn't NEARLY as hard to get back into the swing of school as I thought. I was actually INFRONT for a few days when it came to assignments.

But it didn't take long to become bombarded again! Here's my scheduel for this week:
Monday: Maths test
Tuesday: Music exam, RE film essay, English questions sheet.
Wednesday: English exam, Maths Assignment, R.E. Ethics Essay
Thursday: Chemistry Exam, Get wires off teeth.

So school didn't take long to get busy.

Actually, I have an R.E assignment to finish now so... TOODALOO! AND PLEASE REVIEW! (Comment)

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