What to Expect

This is the diary I have decided to create, dedicated to the time I have spent with my jaws wired shut.
On the 23rd of February I went into the operating theatre for a jaw-reconstruction. They were to break my bottom and top jaws and re-position them.
This is a re-count of the events leading up to and in the hospital after the operation.


Now, on your right there is a drop down list.

Click on the little arrow next to 'February' and a drop down list will apear. In the drop down list pick 'Drabble' and you will be taken to the first page.

Once you are done, hit 'Day 0' and so on...

Once you have reached Day 7, click on the little arrow next to 'March' and a drop down list will apear revealing the links that will take you to the next lot of days!


Friday, April 4, 2008

Jaws [no longer] Wired Shut

Well, they're unwired finally!!

40 DAYS! That is how long they were wired shut for!

I'll tell you, I've never enjoyed the pain of eating food so much!

I ate a few fries the night i got my wires of and it was PAINFULL! But so nice at the same time!!

I really NEVER want to EVER have to go back to the hospital! Screw child birth man! I'll just buy my kids from Africa or whatever, anything's better than that aweful place!

Surprisingly, I still want to be a Neo-natal nurse (new born and premeture babies). But I hate the whole Patient-Nurse communication thing.

I still have a plate in, which sucks. But I get it off on the 7th of May! Then I can kiss that new boyfriend of mine... Ba Ha! If you want to know about that you're going to have to go to my Imagination Central: http://showcase-sarah.blogspot.com/

Well I hope my blog and pictures weren't too scaring for you! I know they were for me! I still have a pink scar on my face from where they stuch that stupid suction tube in!

But hey, don't I look great?

Well I WILL once I get the plate and braces off!!

Thanks for sticking through this with me!!

Sarah xx

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