What to Expect

This is the diary I have decided to create, dedicated to the time I have spent with my jaws wired shut.
On the 23rd of February I went into the operating theatre for a jaw-reconstruction. They were to break my bottom and top jaws and re-position them.
This is a re-count of the events leading up to and in the hospital after the operation.


Now, on your right there is a drop down list.

Click on the little arrow next to 'February' and a drop down list will apear. In the drop down list pick 'Drabble' and you will be taken to the first page.

Once you are done, hit 'Day 0' and so on...

Once you have reached Day 7, click on the little arrow next to 'March' and a drop down list will apear revealing the links that will take you to the next lot of days!


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Day 1

Day one I woke up tired.

Mum got me up and I got dressed, packed up my laptop, ect,...

Brian drove us to the Memorial Hospital and when we got there I had to change into this gown and these booties.

It all happened really fast.

They took my obs (observaions. Stuff like temperature and oxygen levels and pulse) then they gave me the gown. After that they just asked if I was ok with everything that was going on and blah, blah, blah. If I understood and all.

After that they took me to this halway with chairs where I had to sit and wait till the operating theatre was ready for me.

Then I actually had to walk into the theatre and get up onto the table and lie down... They never show that on All Saints or Grey's Anatomy. If there is an operating scene in the TV dramas, they always show after the patient has been cut open. It was honestly really wierd... I mean, lying there why these doctors and nurses put blankets on me and put a drip in my arm.

The nurse guy told my when he was putting the sleey drug into my arm but I can't remember falling asleep. I'd promised myself I was going to get to ten...

To tell you the truth: I didn't even think about counting...

1 comment:

calsipher said...

i always imagined my slef getting a operation of some kind, noes operation or leg operation or something, it really doesnt matter lol but i always imagined counting you know, seeing how long i could fight the "sleepy stuff" lol but i guess when your actually in the hospital actually getting the operation the sheer reality would put any suc desire to the back of you thoughts and even i would forget all about it, you a soldier sarah xo